


'Taste the rainbow.'

(I just had to- it's so catchy! :D)

I took these photos while I was walking back to Staines after a lovely day wandering around Egham climbing and picnicing on hills nearby, exploring and walking lots up the hills and by the Thames, and just generally enjoying the rest of the day, after having just signed out of college forever, with two of my best friends! It was the prefect day anyway, but, for me, (being the childish, easily-amused being that I am) seeing this rainbow (eeee!! ♥) made my day even better!

Anyways, I just wanted to share my photos of the rainbow from summertime :) and I'm gradually sorting through all of the photos I have to post on here, so hopefully I'll have a steady flow of posts coming your way over the next few weeks! Hope you're all having a lovely week and that you're all happy and well :) ♥

Lots of love,
Mari-ann xxx

sweet sixteen.


Happy Birthday, my dearest Emmy! ♥

penblwydd hapus, birthday girl.

(a photo that I did for people birthdays :) 2008.)

Today, my beautiful and ever-wonderful baby sister turns sixteen!
Ah, she's all grown up and I love, and miss, her!



I don't know whether she'll see this anytime soon, not for a while at least, I'm sure, (Hellooo, Emmy, if you're reading this ♥ love you most!) but this is the first year that I will not be with her on her birthday, given that I am basically on the other side of the country from her (sob!) and so I wanted to mark this day in my own special way, as best as I possibly can all the way from Swansea, to Shepperton. I shall see you soon and I hope your day has been sprinkled with hugs and smiles and wishes and kisses and all other good things :)

Merry Birthday, 'Enemy' ;) - I love you to inifinty and beyond and I hope that you had a super-duper day ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lots of love,
Mari-ann xxx

(or, Emily: Lots of love, your 'Man') ♥


drip, drip, drop.

Your to-do list:
1) Hold down the 'ctrl' button + click this and just listen.
2) Look at these photos I took back in June, while stood barefoot in the
middle of the road, in a ever-expanding puddle, catching droplets
of rain on my lens, lips and lashes.
3) Imagine you, too, are stood barefoot in the rain with me + try to love the rain as much as I do.
(go on, I dare you... try! :))



p.s. I know they're rather same-y, (this is a bit of a nothing-post, really) but I wanted to post them all as a whole, altogether.
p.p.s. In case you haven't guessed, I love the rain. ♥♥♥
p.p.p.s. I hope you like them, however repetitive and boring they may be. ♥ :)

(Oh, and one final 'p.s.')

p.p.p.p.s. To anybody out there, whomever is actually lovely enough to spend the time to actually look at and read my posts, (I don't deserve you!) get ready for a massive surge of posts! I have finally got an internet connection again after a month and a half of beings sans l'internet, and so I have a massive backlog of collections of the many photos I took over the summer holidays, to share with you! So, if you're interested, keep your eyes peeled :) I hope you're all happy and well and that you're having a lovely weekend! ♥

Lots of love,
Mari-ann xxx