Hello, you lovely lot! Sorry for being quiet for a little while- time's really gotten away from me recently! Well now, these are a few self-portraits that I've played around with in Photoshop, putting two polaroids (one of myself and one of something around/near me) together and seeing what I can come up with. I'm actually thinking of turning this into a little side-project of mine, experimenting every now and again whenever I take some more self-portrait polaroids. And, possibly in the future, I may be brave and go out and meet new people and take pictures with them to add some variety to it all? Hmm, ideas, ideas... :)
Whenever I look at them, they sort of make me think of dreams, and old nostalgic memories, when everything's sort of hazy and surreal and beautiful. All soft and nostalgic and fading. Hopefully you like them! Okay, well, anyway, on a quick side note, I'm sorting out some more posts to share with you as I write this, some with some more polaroids and others with some digital work I've been doing recently, so hopefully you'll be seeing them all soon! I hope you've had a lovely week, that you have a good Friday and enjoy the weekend ahead of you, and that you are all happy and well! :)
Love, Mari-ann ♥