
days of summer. II

 France, 2011.


One fairly cloudy evening, there was a bright, full moon rising over the daisy field and trees opposite our camp-site, and I was determined to try and capture it, and the night sky, on film. It didn't really go according to plan, fumbling around with my camera in the darkness, trying to hold my camera as still as possible (I'd forgotten my tripod, foolishly) and trying to manually focus on the clouds and stars (which I thought had failed at spectacularly), but nevertheless, when I got my film back a few weeks later, I was actually pleased to see that these few photos had survived that hectic disaster of an evening, so it hadn't all been for nothing, yay! I hope you've had a lovely day :)

Love, Mari-ann 


  1. Awesome sky, really beautifull.
    P.S. you've got a follower via bloglovin' :)

    1. Thank you so much, Evia! On both counts, thank you, thank you! :) ♥
